Our purpose is to develop harmony, cohesiveness and inclusivity within the City of Melton to generate awareness of all faiths, beliefs and traditions in the community in order to promote understanding and harmony and to promote multi-cultural and multi-religious inclusivity amongst the various cultural and religious groups within the Melton community.
To promote respect, understanding, cooperation and appreciation for the many religious and faith traditions within our community.
A cohesive, inclusive and harmonious community.
The Network sets out to:
- Generate awareness of all faiths, beliefs and traditions in the community in order to promote understanding and harmony.
- Promote multi-cultural and multi-religious inclusivity amongst the various religious and secular groups and communities residing within the City of Melton.
The Network will achieve its goals by:
- Publishing, procuring and distributing INTERFAITH books, periodicals, bulletins, pamphlets and other relevant literature in English and languages other than English spoken within the community.
- Advocating for and supporting INTERFAITH seminars and conferences on matters of common concern to the public.
- Supporting religious workshops to promote understanding of various faith traditions.
- Promoting spiritual education within schools and the community.
- Supporting and promoting INTERFAITH festivals (Ramadan, Diwali, Vaisakhi etc).
- Promoting INTERFAITH excursions to places of worship of different faith traditions.
- Preparing and publishing a yearly calendar of events so that activities are promoted amongst the community.
- Identifying funding sources, applying for grants and holding fundraising activities to help achieve goals.
- Is an opportunity for dialogue and understanding
- Is a way of giving mutual respectand understanding
- Is a positive recognition of different faiths and spiritual traditions
- Is a celebration of individuality and identity of each tradition
- Is held together by human values and good-will
- Is a partnership of many faith communities and the civic authority
- Is not an opportunity for religious argument
- Is not an opportunity for conversion and proselytisation
- Is not a forum for exclusive religious claims
- Is not a compromise of any individual faith tradition
- Is not a jealous guarding of acquired or presumed rights and privileges
- Is not the creation of any particular faith community